Movement Speed
Looking Speed
Cursor Trail (ms) The amount of time that a cell will stay yellow after the crosshair touches it
Fall Time (ms) The amount of time that a cell clicked by a player will stay their color before the color 'falls' due to gravity
Show Coordinates Show the coordinates of the cell that the crosshair is passing over in the top-right corner
Show Statistics Show WebGL renderer statistics (if applicable) and graph FPS
Connect Doubles Whenever a user is one cell away from winning, join the two other cells in the trio with a dotted line of the users color
Log Doubles to Screen
Log Cell Clicks to Screen
Log Falling Cells to Screen
Players The number of players that you want to play noughts and crosses with!
Dimensions The number of dimensions that you want to play noughts and crosses in!
Gravity dimensions This is a long one. The number of dimensions that gravity will act in; so 0 means no gravity,
1 means that cells will fall down the highest dimension (as if the grid is flat on the ground),
2 means that cells will fall down the highest two dimensions (in 3D this is as if the grid is balanced on an edge (at 45°)),
3 means that cells will fall down the highest three dimensions (in 3D this is as if the grid is balanced on a vertex (a point)),
and so on... note that this value cannot be greater than the number of dimensions
Cell Radius The radius of the cells in the 3D representation (bigger is easier to click).
Renderer View Angle The angle of vision that the renderer will produce. 60° is recommended.
Renderer Near Objects closer than this to the 'camera' will not be rendered
Renderer Far Objects further than this to the 'camera' will not be rendered
Connect Straights Connect all non-diagonal winning trios of cells with white lines
Force Cubes to be offset Forces the cubes of cells to be offset so that lines between cells do not overlap with each other. ('Connect Straights' forces this setting to be on)
Show as Wireframes Displays cells as wireframes (showing lines around all of the faces) rather than boring old spheres
Fog Color The color of the fog which engulfs objects as they get further away (up to the distance set by 'Far')
Sphere Color The color of the cell spheres (or of their wireframes)
Click to play
(W, A, S, D = Move, R = Up, F = Down, MOUSE = Look around, Q = Pause + Settings SPACE = Teleport to start position SCROLL = Scroll log)
You do not seem to have WebGL working!
You can run the app without WebGL, but it will probably be considerably slower, especially when playing in higher dimensions, and will be rendered with fewer vertices (a lower graphics quality). An excellent browser to view this page on is Google Chrome